Refund and Returns Policy

At TurabiLaptops, we want our customers to be completely satisfied with their purchases. If you are not satisfied with your laptop for any reason, you may return it within 30 days of receipt for a full refund of the purchase price.

To be eligible for a refund, the laptop must be in its original packaging and in the same condition as when it was received. Any accessories or peripherals must also be included in the return.

If the laptop is returned due to a defect or malfunction, we will also refund the original shipping costs. If the return is not due to a defect or malfunction, the customer is responsible for the cost of shipping the laptop back to us.

To request a refund, please contact our customer service team at [contact information]. Please include your order number and a brief explanation for the return. Our team will provide further instructions on how to proceed with the return.

Please note that custom orders and special orders are not eligible for returns or refunds.

We reserve the right to refuse a refund if the laptop is not in its original condition or if the return does not comply with our policy.

We appreciate your business and strive to provide the best products and services possible. If you have any questions about our refund policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us.